Dental Implants

Tooth loss is a common occurrence resulting from traumatic accidents, disease, or simple dental neglect. If you have lost a tooth or anticipate needing teeth extracted, it is essential to know your options for tooth replacement. For most patients, dental implants represent the most beneficial solution.

To ensure that you are eligible for implants, Dr. Thomas will perform a complete physical evaluation of your teeth, jaws, and gums. In addition to this clinical examination, we may also perform radiographic imaging, so that we have an accurate 3-D model of your mouth.

Once Dr. Thomas has verified that you are a good candidate for implants, you will learn more about treatment options. Generally, we recommend dental implants to patients who meet the following criteria:

  • You have one or more teeth in need of replacement.

  • Your gums and oral tissues are in good, healthy shape.

  • You have sufficient bone levels in your jaw or are eligible for a bone graft.

  • You either dislike dentures or are unable to wear them.

  • You are not a smoker.

  • You do not have any underlying medical conditions that could impede your ability to heal.

  • You maintain oral hygiene and are consistent in your dental check-ups and cleanings.

 Why Dental Implants?

Dental implants have become the preferred option for replacing damaged or missing teeth. There are several reasons for this.

  • Dental implants function as “tooth roots” to prevent the bone deterioration that typically occurs when teeth are lost or extracted.

  • Implants are the only method of tooth replacement that preserves the adjacent teeth. (Dental bridges require neighboring teeth to be filed down.)

  • According to clinical studies, dental implants have a long-term success rate of over 95% compared to other options for tooth replacement.

While dental implants have become the standard for tooth replacement and offer many benefits, there are a few disadvantages.

  • Getting dental implants requires you to have surgery, and as with any surgery, there is a recovery period afterward.

  • To qualify for dental implants, you need to have sufficient bone tissue (or be willing to have a bone graft).

  • If you do not take care of your implants, they may not last as long as you want them to.

Once you and Dr. Thomas have decided that an implant is right for you, we will coordinate your surgical plan with your restorative dentist.

A dental implant has three parts: the post, the abutment, and the crown. The post is an artificial tooth root, generally resembling the shape of a screw. These are surgically implanted along the jawbone, and provide ample support for one or more artificial teeth, or crowns.  During the procedure, Dr. Thomas will surgically place the implant post into the jaw bone. The post is made of medical-grade titanium. Over time, the post will fuse with the jaw bone. This fusion creates a secure foundation to support one tooth or many artificial teeth.

There will be several weeks of healing while the implant post fuses with the jaw bone. On average, this process takes between 3 and 6 months.  Please be sure to follow all instructions that your oral surgeon provided to you.